Distance to Lindesnes: 1294km
Distance to Nordkapp: 414km
Highest Mountain Topp: 1035m
Total Walking time: 290 hours 40min
Total Walking time for the week: 85hours 00min
True Walking Distance: 723km
True Walking Distance for the week: 202km
Days with rain: 17 out of 32 days
Missing Expedition Members: still ONE! The new name for our expedition member is Moro(fun)
Since we left Kilipisjavri we have been "lucky" and mostliy cept to cabins along the route. Sadly Terje got a muscle strain in his leg so we lost one day because of huge pain. He has been eating pain killers now for the last three days so we could get to Abisko! We where lucky to meet two fellow campers that invited us for dinner. We where served bird with mushroom and rice!!! Best meal ever! Asbjörn was unlucky the other day and melted his left shoe so we also have to find new boots for him before we can go on. All our mail has arrived safely here in Abisko so we are glad to say we are rady to continue without big problems. Asbjörns backpack has been fixed, Terje has recived new camera and new Drytech for the next trip to Sulitjelma.
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